
Olivia Bailey – Labour Party



Olivia, a former aide to Sir Keir Starmer, was born at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. Growing up, she enjoyed the countryside and the community’s rich opportunities. Inspired by her parents—a policeman and a secondary school teacher—Olivia was drawn to public service and politics to make a positive impact on her community.

Professionally, Olivia has worked in policy and public opinion research, holding senior roles in various think tanks and research bodies. She is passionate about putting the public at the heart of policymaking.

Living in Tilehurst with her partner and two young boys, Olivia is committed to improving her local community. She has pledged to be a strong advocate for the area and plans to open a shop-front office to stay accessible to residents.

Olivia’s Pledges for Reading West


  • Doctors & Dentists: Olivia will campaign for a new hospital at the Royal Berks, end the 8am scramble for GP appointments, and secure more local dentist appointments.


  • Community Safety: She will ensure local police are back on the streets with a named officer, enforce zero tolerance on anti-social behaviour, and establish new youth hubs to protect children from drugs and crime.


  • Sewage in Waterways: Olivia will push for severe and automatic fines for pollution, hold water companies criminally liable, and block bonuses for water bosses until pollution is addressed.


  • Support for Families: She aims to increase childcare places, offer free school breakfast clubs, provide more specialist teachers, and ensure mental health support in every school with new open-access mental health hubs.

Cost of Living

  • Economic Security: Olivia supports a genuine living wage, better job security, and the creation of GB Energy to invest in clean energy and reduce bills. She promises fully costed and funded plans, ensuring Labour does not take risks with the economy.

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