
All Points East Mitski: A confetti box of young energy & euphoria (REVIEW)



All points East 2024, I can only say one thing, if you’ve never been before, and you are
between 14 and 30 or have a taste for indie rock and music with a difference, star this for at
least a day of it, next year. Our 13 (come 16) year old absolutely loved this festival. And we
were surprised by some great stuff to, frankly.

Apparently it wasn’t just us who were impressed. We arrived a little late at 3pm – … and woahh was what we both said when we saw the queue.
Mitski, Sunday 18 was our destination and it was clearly a fantastic line up, attractive to the

Tip 1 – Arrive early to avoid queues.
Have to say prize for friendliness went straight to the woman at the press ticket office –
friendliness never goes out of fashion, in our humble…

So we are in and we head straight for the blue Tent – massive festival tent which completely
quickly filled up with Sir Chloe fans. She’s getting a growing fan group and the energy was
palatable, honestly you could reach out and touch it which is, err energising…

After that, we needed sustenance. A range of good looking bars and the Madrid stand got our
credit card, energised my partner to be sure! Searching for food – well it’s a festival and it
was everywhere. Value for money – hmmmm as always, check others plates before

Tip 2 – Check out different food offers, – the Korean was good, the chips next to that, in a.
cone were real value for money £5 and full, but there were burger places selling burgers for
£13 then £5 for chips. I get it, prices are only rising but the lack of queue there showed
group price-rejection.

Next on the cards was just a wonder around, set in Victoria Park, just being there, sitting on
the grass under the trees. Our group couldn’t rseist taking a ride of two, fun but way to high
swings and the obligatory big wheel which was thankfully not that big…..

Tip 3 – bring plenty of cash, it’s fun but it costs (obviously).
The energy just seemed to grow throughout the day. With a total explosion at the end –
really the pinnacle of a fine day. Mitski is like a performing artist. She held the crowd from
start to finish, asking us all (and it felt like 40k plus thronged to her finale), put your hand up
if. When she said put your hand up if you are the chaperone, up when my hand yet I
actually experienced real pleasure watching her go for it, twisted limbs in ballet style, full
throated beautiful voice singing Love me more, Nobody and My love mine all mine. And the brilliant energy of the end, orange confetti exploding all over the stage and the pit. We all crowded out into the night black east London streets, everyone happy in Hackney, a real wow experience. Thank you, All Points East!

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