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Watch: Reading West & Mid-Berkshire election second debate



In anticipation of the General Election, candidates from the newly established Reading West and Mid-Berkshire constituency engaged in a lively debate. This election marks the inaugural contest for the newly defined constituency, adding to the significance of the event.

Held at the BBC offices in Reading, the debate featured four of the candidates running for election, who discussed key issues and their respective visions for the future. The event took place on Wednesday and provided an opportunity for voters to hear directly from the candidates about their policies and plans.

For those who missed the live broadcast, the debate is now available for replay on BBC iPlayer. To watch the full debate, simply click the image below.


General Election 2024: Meet the Reading West & Mid Berkshire Candidates




Starting on June 11th, Reading West launched an engaging series focused on empowering our community to make informed decisions for the upcoming election. Each day featured a prominent candidate aspiring to represent Reading West & Mid Berkshire, offering in-depth insights into their platforms, visions, and plans for our locality.

Throughout the series, residents had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with each candidate on a personal and professional level. They gained understanding of the candidates’ core policies and heard their perspectives on critical community issues such as education, healthcare, local development, and environmental sustainability.

For a complete overview of all candidates and their statements, please refer to the list below:

Liberal Democrats
Helen Belcher
Conservative and Unionist Party
Ross Mackinnon
Labour Party
Olivia Bailey
Green Party
Carolyne Culver
Reform UK
Kate Bosley
Adie Peppiatt
Adrian Neil Abbs

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No Launchpad Big Sleep Out this year




Launchpad has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Big Sleep Out, which was scheduled for Saturday, July 6th. This challenging call was made due to fewer people signing up than expected.

The Big Sleep Out event aims to achieve two primary goals: to provide a memorable night for all participants and to raise crucial funds to support vulnerable people in Reading.

With the event only three weeks away, the current number of sign-ups posed a risk that the event would cost Launchpad more money than it would raise, potentially diverting funds away from their essential services. This was a risk the organization could not justify. Everyone who signed up for the event has been contacted with this unfortunate news.

Fiona Keyte, fundraising manager at Launchpad, said: “It was such a difficult and sad decision to make, and we would like to say sorry to everyone who had signed up to support us.

“We wanted the Big Sleep Out to be a memorable evening filled with lots of supporters, a strong community spirit and everyone enjoying the entertainment.

“We know that cancelling will be a disappointment to everyone that had signed up.

“We are committed to helping anyone who would like to organise their own Big Sleep Out – at their home, school or workplace and will be promoting ‘Your Big Sleep Out in the coming weeks.

“Securing donations is vital, to ensure that we can continue to deliver our much-needed work and we will adapt our activities to make this as easy as possible for our supporters to get involved.”

You can find out more about Your Big Sleep Out here

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Adrian Neil Abbs – Independent




Adrian Neil Abbs is running to be the MP because he believes Party Politics is broken, seeing only arguments, not debates or cooperation in the chamber and media.

He emphasizes that addressing crises requires cooperation and valuing good ideas regardless of their source. With 35% of voters disengaged, he notes widespread skepticism about politicians and party changes.

As a businessman, not a typical politician, he aims to bring practical experience to problem-solving. Though not a frequent protester, he focuses on active environmental efforts.

Living on the Newbury/Thatcham border and formerly in Pingewood, he has been in the area for over 30 years. His two children attended school in Reading. He runs an international SME from Newbury, employing local people and supporting young careers.

Previously an independent councillor at Greenham Parish Council and briefly with the Lib Dems, he is now an independent candidate. His councillor experience showed him that key issues start in Westminster, where he believes he can have the greatest impact.

He has planned a constituency office in Theale and committed part of his MP salary to fund extra staff to ensure constituents get the answers they need.

Pledges for Reading West & Mid Berkshire

Addressing energy cost and security challenges can resolve a host of related concerns. This includes alleviating the cost-of-living crisis, ensuring food cost and supply stability, improving health outcomes, and revitalizing the competitiveness of British industry.

Farming’s Importance
The rising cost and insecurity of food pose significant challenges. Increasing dependence on imported goods compromises national autonomy over this necessity. The aim is to bolster British agriculture and progress toward self-sufficiency in food production.

The current planning system is not fit for purpose. Land value reform and councils’ re-engagement with building what communities need are essential. Land value reform could make houses more affordable to build and buy. Additionally, quality council homes could ensure key workers have access to accommodation, helping retain their skills in the NHS.

Within 15 years, transport needs will have completely changed. As all infrastructure projects take decades, planning and building for the future of transport must begin now. The UK has proven it struggles with large infrastructure projects. Ensuring existing infrastructure is fit for purpose and future-ready, including preparations for driverless cars, lorries, cabs, and new fuel types, is crucial.

Everyone will use the NHS in their lives, and as the population ages, its use will grow. Doctors and nurses are best placed to describe how it should work. Supporting the retention of NHS-trained staff and ensuring they help shape the future needs of the system is vital.

National Security
The rise of dictators in the news highlights the importance of national security. Collaborating with allied nations enhances collective security. A robust and contemporary military dedicated to safeguarding national interests and serving as an effective deterrent is essential.

Social Care Funding
Fundamental change in social care funding is needed. Local councils have the legal responsibility but not the powers to adequately fund social care. Therefore, this responsibility should shift to Westminster, which can manage the variables involved in delivering what’s needed.

Your Vote Can Count
The motive for standing is to provide a viable alternative to party politics. Once elected, business experience will benefit the constituency. With a background spanning from factory work to high-tech innovation for small, medium, and large corporations, and over 20 years as an entrepreneur working worldwide, there is a track record of success and getting things done.

Continued investment in education is crucial for equipping the population with the skills needed for the decades ahead. It is the cornerstone of a just and equitable society. Universal access to top-tier education is essential.

Environmental Impact
Ignoring the environmental footprint will lead to worsening consequences. Clean energy helps lessen ecological impact, but introducing a simple label for all products provides people with choice.

Expecting private companies, whose motive is shareholder profit, to deliver the infrastructure changes needed to stop raw sewage discharges is illogical. Asking them to monitor themselves is even worse. The privatization of an industry without competition was a mistake and needs to be fixed. As a first step, removing riparian exemptions so polluters pay for the damage they cause is essential.

The Constituency
The primary commitment is to represent the constituency’s interests in Parliament. This large new constituency comprises both urban and rural areas. The aim is to represent all residents and local businesses. Visibility during the tenure as MP is guaranteed, with regular MP surgeries throughout the area and a dedication to championing what’s best for the community.

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