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Ross Mackinnon – Conservative Party



Ross, a lifelong Conservative, is deeply committed to empowering individuals to achieve their aspirations and fulfill their life’s ambitions. He firmly believes that government’s role is to create a conducive environment and provide essential support infrastructure for all who strive towards their goals.

Having experienced the benefits of the Conservative assisted places scheme firsthand, Ross’s dedication to perpetuating similar opportunities led him to attempt founding a Conservative club in 1980s Glasgow, despite encountering limited support. This early experience fuelled his determination to contribute positively to his community.

Known to some as the Bradfield Ward councillor on the West Berkshire Council since his election in May 2019, Ross has held various roles and was appointed leader of the Conservative group after the May 2023 election. While familiar to some constituents, Ross is actively canvassing new areas, eager to engage with his extended audience.

Ross is critical of the constitutional changes introduced by New Labour under Tony Blair, which he believes have failed to benefit the UK. He highlights the detrimental impact of separating tax-raising responsibilities from spending authorities, undermining the principle of ‘No Taxation without Representation’ established throughout history.

Moreover, Ross expresses frustration at the failure of successive governments to fulfill the aspirations of those who voted for Brexit in 2016. He also laments the increasing government control over citizens’ lives, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, funded by higher taxation.

If elected, Ross pledges to challenge the government’s approach and advocate for a system that promotes self-reliance, skill development, and greater financial autonomy for individuals. He firmly believes that people are best placed to decide how to use their earnings, rather than the government.


General Election 2024: Meet the Reading West & Mid Berkshire Candidates




Starting on June 11th, Reading West launched an engaging series focused on empowering our community to make informed decisions for the upcoming election. Each day featured a prominent candidate aspiring to represent Reading West & Mid Berkshire, offering in-depth insights into their platforms, visions, and plans for our locality.

Throughout the series, residents had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with each candidate on a personal and professional level. They gained understanding of the candidates’ core policies and heard their perspectives on critical community issues such as education, healthcare, local development, and environmental sustainability.

For a complete overview of all candidates and their statements, please refer to the list below:

Liberal Democrats
Helen Belcher
Conservative and Unionist Party
Ross Mackinnon
Labour Party
Olivia Bailey
Green Party
Carolyne Culver
Reform UK
Kate Bosley
Adie Peppiatt
Adrian Neil Abbs

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No Launchpad Big Sleep Out this year




Launchpad has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Big Sleep Out, which was scheduled for Saturday, July 6th. This challenging call was made due to fewer people signing up than expected.

The Big Sleep Out event aims to achieve two primary goals: to provide a memorable night for all participants and to raise crucial funds to support vulnerable people in Reading.

With the event only three weeks away, the current number of sign-ups posed a risk that the event would cost Launchpad more money than it would raise, potentially diverting funds away from their essential services. This was a risk the organization could not justify. Everyone who signed up for the event has been contacted with this unfortunate news.

Fiona Keyte, fundraising manager at Launchpad, said: “It was such a difficult and sad decision to make, and we would like to say sorry to everyone who had signed up to support us.

“We wanted the Big Sleep Out to be a memorable evening filled with lots of supporters, a strong community spirit and everyone enjoying the entertainment.

“We know that cancelling will be a disappointment to everyone that had signed up.

“We are committed to helping anyone who would like to organise their own Big Sleep Out – at their home, school or workplace and will be promoting ‘Your Big Sleep Out in the coming weeks.

“Securing donations is vital, to ensure that we can continue to deliver our much-needed work and we will adapt our activities to make this as easy as possible for our supporters to get involved.”

You can find out more about Your Big Sleep Out here

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Watch: Reading West & Mid-Berkshire election second debate




In anticipation of the General Election, candidates from the newly established Reading West and Mid-Berkshire constituency engaged in a lively debate. This election marks the inaugural contest for the newly defined constituency, adding to the significance of the event.

Held at the BBC offices in Reading, the debate featured four of the candidates running for election, who discussed key issues and their respective visions for the future. The event took place on Wednesday and provided an opportunity for voters to hear directly from the candidates about their policies and plans.

For those who missed the live broadcast, the debate is now available for replay on BBC iPlayer. To watch the full debate, simply click the image below.

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