THE Reading Climate Change Partnership (RCCP) has launched a six-week public consultation on its new Climate Emergency Strategy – a plan to propel the town towards its net zero carbon target by 2030.
The Council is just one member of the RCCP, which includes community groups, businesses and organisations across Reading. For the strategy to succeed, it needs to be ‘owned’ by everyone in the town.
Public consultation on the draft strategy was launched at a special climate change ‘Question Time’ with schoolchildren at the University of Reading’s renowned Meteorology Department on Friday (March 13th) and have been now be extended until 28 June 2020.
Tackling climate change involves everyone – citizens and politicians, businesses and charities. That’s why we’re inviting you to input, to make this strategy ambitious and achievable, and ultimately help us deliver a net carbon zero Reading by 2030.
The full draft strategy (with executive summary) can be found here:
Reading Climate Emergency Strategy Consultation 2020-25 – consultation draft—consultation-draft-for-rbc-policy-committee-9-march-20.pdf
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Remember for the strategy to succeed, it needs to be ‘owned’ by everyone in the town.