READING Borough Council is consulting on a new five year plan to cut down on waste being sent to landfill and drive up recycling rates even further.
Their aim is to have 50 per cent of waste recycled by 2020.
The strategy outlines how it intends to work with householders, businesses and partner organisations to meet the target.
These include:
- providing better and more effective public information on the importance of putting recyclable materials in red bins, not black bins
- reviewing – in the first year of the strategy – how food waste recycling can be improved
- looking at the number and location of bottle banks, recycling sites and recycling bins in the town
- publishing information about what can be re-used and recycled.
At Reading West we believe that “If the local council want us to reduce the amount of rubbish we throw away then they need to collect more of it as recycling (including glass).”
“Oxford council have a much more extensive recycling program ie, they have glass collections, mixed glass and jars, food tins and drinks cans (including fully dispensed aerosols), paper etc and then general and garden waste.”
….and we cannot be less.